The Dr. Ice Hotlists

Cancer Resources On The Internet

This started in 1995 as a simple links page, made while absorbing the news that a good friend had been diagnosed with brain cancer. (She's doing fine now, btw, went with an experimental treatment and we celebrate every year that she's with us! :-} ) Some of the links are research centers, others are personal testimonials, others are guides for the cancer patient, others guides for the friends and family of cancer patients. Hope this helps a few people. It has definitely helped me...

For those of us who have lost friends and relatives to cancer, this page is also a memorial. I miss my dad, my grandfather, my uncle, my mother-in-law's brother, several childhood and college friends... Well, like everyone, I've lost a few people to cancer. But, I also know one heckuva lot of survivors. In fact, I I've only lost one friend to breast cancer (actually to chemo whiping out her immune system), and I know a huge number of people who've been diagnosed and treated for it! For those who have helped friends and relatives battle it successfully, this page is a thanks to all the dedicated people in the health care and research industries who have saved many of our friends and family. You people so rock!

Disclaimer: I have been asked on occasion if I'm a PhD because of my silly nom-de-net "Dr. Ice", and no, I am not. Dr. Ice is simply a way to remember my email address (now aliased as My name is Dana Rice, and I am not a physician, nor an expert on any health subject, but an actor, musician and web developer. Any info on this page is the personal perspective of a lay person. I made the page for my personal reference, and am simply happy to share it with friends and fellow humans on the net. :-}


Listserv and Usenet Resources:

Some non-WWW resources mentioned on some of the WWW pages below include:

A listserv on brain tumors. Email LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU, leave the subject line blank, and make the first message line: subscribe BRAINTMR your-first-name your-last-name

Also, there are usenet groups on cancer topics, two of which are and .

WWW Resources:

American Cancer Society Follow this link for the American Cancer Society Follow this link for the National Cancer Institute
National Cancer Institute
Breast Cancer Awareness Month Website


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It was created in 1995 as and was last updated in 2008. Suggestions are always welcome!

This page has been archived in The Internet Archive since January, 1999.
To see some of its previous incarnations, visit this site:
The Wayback Machine: Dana's Cancer Links

Copyright 1994-2020 Dana Lynne' Rice